

Fresno, CA

Collection by Zac Smit

Thirty 1:1 Original Artworks

36” x 36” canvas paintings

Price Range: $200 - $3,800

One day, I bought 30 3ft x 3ft canvases, cause Blick was having a major sale

I’m not sure why 30… felt good… my 30th year of life, idk

The goal was to apply myself, again, to another collection and challenge

To continue my arts practice and not feel like I’m going to run out of material to paint on (great feeling)

It took just over 6 months, many baths, a lot of great music and the pain of loss

I am a changed person having applied myself to create regularly and vulnerably…

I would very much like to continue making art - and expand as a human!

These are all best seen in person, where you can feel the textures (yes you can touch if you want, steal it if you can), take in the movement, emotion and story in them all.

Paintings are on display for purchase and by appointment only

** If you / your group want to view the collection, hear the stories, ask questions

Schedule a time here - it is 3 days only

I will accompany you through the journey of making these, color choices, size is any meaning behind them?

Fine print things here - what to expect, email info, timing, price sheet, etc…

With Love! - Zac

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